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Download Songs and Backing music


Song Name Singing  MB Backing
1. Celebrate His Majesty's Joy download 2.2 download
2. The Gates Are Open download 1.1 download
3. We Are Children Of Your Love download 1.4 download
4. Everybody Come download 2.1 download
5. Glory, Honour download 2.2 download
6. To the King Above All Kings download 3.0 download
7. O Lord, Your Heart download 4.0 download
8. Jesus, Your Word download 3.6 download
9. Shinin' download 2.8 download
10. The Beauty In My Soul download 1.1 download
11. God's Livin' In Me download 1.5 download
12. Our Mighty God download 2.7 download
13. There Is Joy In the House download 2.3 download
14. Promised Land download 1.1 download


You may download and make copies of the songs and backing music, share it as much as you like, but you may not obtain payment or profit in any other way for the material.

Songs written by Martin ter Wee and John Sharples. Music by Martin ter Wee.

Prepairing  a Group

Find four eager children who can sing well and are happy to sing gospel music. Provide them copies of the words and the musical (being sung) so thaey can practice at home. It only takes a 4-5 practices to get them ready. While you are at it, work out a couple of simple dance routines (doesn't need a lot) at appropriate places and get a few pictures together to show on a television or projector as well.

Organise places to present it then go and enjoy!